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FXTRADING CORPORATION is a global company with many investors and entrepreneurs in the World. Already developed by a team of professionals currently in the field of FX and CRYPTOTRADING and they created the software. It also helps many investors make money from mining companies in various places around the world with the following coins. Bitcoin, Etherium, Bitcoin in cash, Litecoin, etc. Even if you do not have experience in this market, it is an opportunity to earn profits automatically and gain a lot of growth.

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Our groundbreaking platform uses an automated arbitrage system that yields profits for customers based on real-time movements in the cryptocurrency market. Our proprietary algorithm buys bitcoin when it is cheaper and sells when it is more expensive. FX-TRADING customers benefit by assuming the profit, which is deposited directly into their online account.

The FxTrading Corp platform features an automated arbitrage system, which helps users make money with ease. Profits are made based on real-time movements in the crypto market.
They have an algorithm that will buy BTC when it is low and sell it when the price rises. Customers of this platform only deposit an investment and wait for the profits to start rolling in. Thus far, it is available in 80 nations and is used by 3000,000 users. However, these figures might grow in the future.

Investment solutions ranging from a very affordable $100 up to 50k!!! You would not believe the results on some of the bigger Upgrades like FX BOT500- FX BOT1000 it's unbelievable!! 

You wanting something that is hands-free & works for you on a daily basis... This is definitely the place to be.

FXT users advanced technology & 23 pro traders doing all the hard work for us so we don't have to.

The Trades are all live and streaming in the back office and trades can be verified.

Withdraws daily 5 days a week and earn profits daily. 

FXTrading Corp = Multi-Bot Trading System based on Terminology, Platform “Arbitrage" = No Loss System!!!

: Real Company Registered in South Korea (99, Centum dong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea)
: Real Owner comes from South Korea
: Real Auto Multi-Bot Trading System in Crypto, Forex, Arbitration Cryptocurrency, and Mining.
: MTBS bots. Income is more than 15% daily with 8 coins (Ripple, Dash, Lite, Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc).
: Official Launch on August 10th, 2018 in Busan – South Korea.
: Around 300.000 peoples already joined, and more than 77 countries opened.
: They want to open an exchange in all around the World after 3 years with 3 000 000 members. This is the company Goals.

: Earn 1% up to 2.5% daily PASSIVE Income for 200 days

: Min Deposit $100
: Daily gain 1% up to 2,5%
: Totally 400% include (Profit & Capital)
: Withdrawal in Daily working, Minimum $50. The fee is 5%

: Affiliate/ACTIVE Bonus
: Direct Referral 6%
: Binary 10%
: Residual Income 2%
: Rewards Rolex Watch ~ Super Car (Lambo/ Ferrari) paying by Bitcoin




We support global citizens who want to harness the technological revolution of digital currency. We take highly sophisticated investment strategies that have historically only been accessible to institutions and a small number of high wealth individuals, and bring it to the masses.


No financial advisor? No experience trading cryptocurrency? No worries. Our algorithm takes away the guesswork and executes transactions automatically on your behalf. Your only job is to review your account balance and decide how to manage your gains.


The world is always changing and for those who spot the disruption and react, great wealth can be had. Not only is how we pay for things changing, but how startups raise capital as well… Time to react!

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